作者:王倩 来源:科研处 2016-12-121911
序号 |
论文题目 |
本单位作者(仅填第一或通讯作者) |
期刊名称 |
1 |
Perfluorinated Compounds in Greenhouse and Open Agricultural Producing Areas of Three Provinces of China: Levels, Sources and Risk Assessment |
张艳伟,刘潇威 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2 |
Algae decorated TiO2/Ag hybrid nanofiber membrane with enhanced photocatalytic activity for Cr(VI) removal under visible light |
张长波 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
3 |
悖论的破解之道:农田污染治理路径探析 |
王伟 |
生态经济 |
4 |
The spatiotemporal distribution of dissolved carbonin the main stems and their tributaries along the lower reaches of Heilongjiang River Basin, Northeast China
王丽丽 |
Environ Sci Pollut Res |
5 |
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and/or rice straw amendment on methanogenic archaeal communities and methane production from a rice paddy soil |
保琼莉 |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
6 |
Interactions between selenite and different forms of antimony and their effects on root morphology of paddy rice |
冯人伟 |
Plant and Soil |
7 |
牛场废水与化肥配施对冬小麦一夏玉米产量和土壤氮素的影响 |
杜会英 |
灌溉排水学报 |
8 |
不同番茄品系吸收和积累镉能力的差异 |
刘仲齐 |
安徽农业科学 |
9 |
植物根系细胞抑制镉转运过程的研究进展 |
刘仲齐 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
10 |
Effects of growing seasons and genotypes on the accumulation of cadmium and mineral nutrients in rice grown in cadmium contaminated soil |
刘仲齐 |
Science of the Total Environment |
11 |
不同土壤下苋菜镉吸收规律及其阈值研究 |
郑向群 |
环境科学与技术 |
12 |
根施钙镁磷肥与叶喷硅/硒联合调控水稻镉吸收 |
郑向群 |
环境工程学报 |
13 |
花生壳生物炭对硝态氮的吸附机制研究 |
张贵龙 |
农业环境科学学报 |
14 |
贝加尔针茅光合特征与叶片功能特性对长期氮添加的响应 |
刘红梅 |
草业学报 |
15 |
规模化生猪养殖场后备母猪氮磷污染物排放特征 |
李佳佳 |
江苏农业学报 |
16 |
农田土壤重金属污染的陆地生物配体模型研究进展 |
黄益宗 |
生态学杂志 |
17 |
Facilitated bioaccumulation of perfluorooctanesulfonate in common carp(Cyprinus carpio)by graphene oxide and remission mechanism of fulvic acid |
强沥文 |
Environmental Science&Technology |
18 |
Effects of thermal-alkaline pretreatment on solubilisation and high solid anaerobic digestion of dewatered activated sludge |
张克强 |
bioresources |
19 |
Influence of alkaline-thermal pretreatment on high solids anaerobic digestion of dewaterd activated sludge |
张克强 |
bioresources |
20 |
农用地环境质量评价与类别划分方法研究 |
赵玉杰 |
环境保护科学 |
21 |
Modeling uptake of cadmium from solution outside of root to cell wall of shoot in rice seedling |
刘仲齐 |
Plant Growth Regul |
22 |
除草剂硝磺草酮对土壤酶活性及微生物群落功能多样性的影响 |
孙约兵 |
中国环境科学 |
23 |
秸秆还田与氮肥配施对中南地区稻田土壤固碳和温室气体排放的影响 |
张贵龙 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
24 |
露地黄瓜啶氧菌酯的残留分析及黄瓜个体残留水平的差异 |
孙扬 |
河南农业科学 |
25 |
Two-year stability of immobilization effect of sepiolite on Cd contaminants in paddy soil |
梁学峰 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
26 |
基于地质统计学及随机模拟技术的天津武清区土壤重金属源解析 |
赵玉杰 |
环境科学 |
27 |
Needleless electrospinning for scaled-up production of ultrafine chitosan hybrid nanofibers used for air filtration |
张长波 |
RSC Advances |
28 |
重金属调控非选择性阳离子通道生理功能的研究进展 |
刘仲齐 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
29 |
锌对粳稻幼苗镉吸收转运特性的影响 |
刘仲齐 |
农业环境科学学报 |
30 |
锰离子浓度及其转运通道对水稻幼苗镉吸收转运特性的影响 |
刘仲齐 |
农业环境科学学报 |
31 |
科技进步增产的“多年平均产量移动模型”的验证 |
侯彦林 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
32 |
粮食生产潜力中长期预测的验证 |
侯彦林 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
33 |
粮食生产潜力短期预测的“趋势-波动模型”的验证 |
侯彦林 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
34 |
One-step synthesis of a novel N-doped microporous biochar derived from crop straws with high dye adsorption capacity |
廉菲 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
35 |
Impact of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) on biochar micropores and sorption properties for sulfamethoxazole |
廉菲 |
Environmental Pollution |
36 |
根表铁膜对水稻吸收转运稀土元素Ce的影响 |
黄益宗 |
生态毒理学报 |
37 |
骨炭、磷矿粉和生物调理剂对土壤稀土元素淋溶的影响 |
黄益宗 |
环境科学学报 |
38 |
外源褪黑素处理对镉胁迫下水稻种子萌发的影响 |
黄益宗 |
农业环境科学学报 |
39 |
Lead toxicity thresholds in 17 Chinese soils based on substrate-induced nitrification assay |
黄益宗 |
Journal of Environmental Science |
40 |
改良剂对土壤As钝化作用及生物可给性的影响 |
黄益宗 |
环境化学 |
41 |
江西典型钨矿开采对周边环境稀土元素含量的影响 |
黄益宗 |
环境科学学报 |
42 |
改良剂对土壤Cu形态转化及其生物可给性的影响 |
黄益宗 |
环境工程学报 |
43 |
Effects of manganese oxide-modified biochar composites on arsenic speciation and accumulation in an indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar |
宋正国 |
Chemosphere |
44 |
旱稻吸收砷、镉的基因型差异研究 |
丁永祯 |
农业环境科学学报 |
45 |
Effects of Double Harvesting on Heavy Metal Uptake by Six Forage Species and the Potential for Phytoextraction in Field |
丁永祯 |
Pedosphere |
46 |
Responses of root morphological characteristics and antioxidative systems of paddy rice exposed to antimony and selenium |
冯人伟 |
environmental and experimental botany |
47 |
Evaluation of silkworm excrement and mushroom dreg for the remediation of multiple heavy metal/metalloid contaminated soil using pakchoi |
王瑞刚 |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
48 |
Efficiency evaluation for remediating paddy soil contaminated with cadmium and arsenic using water management, variety screening and foliage dressing technologies |
冯人伟 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
49 |
Root application of selenite can simultaneously reduce arsenic and cadmium accumulation and maintain grain yields, but show negative effects on the grain quality of paddy rice |
冯人伟 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
50 |
贝加尔针茅草原土壤酶活性及微生物量碳氮对养分添加的响应 |
杨殿林 |
草地学报 |
51 |
磷高效转基因水稻OsPT4 种植对土壤细菌群落多样性的影响 |
赵建宁 |
农业环境科学学报 |
52 |
Impact of Nitrogen fertilizer source on N2O emissions from three agricultural soils during freezing process |
王风 |
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry |
53 |
磷高效转基因水稻OsPT4种植对土壤细菌群落多样性的影响 |
赵建宁 |
农业环境科学学报 |
54 |
Hardness removal by a novel electrochemical method |
张克强 |
Desalination |
55 |
牛场肥水灌溉对土壤反硝化细菌nosZ基因组成结构和多样性研究 |
高文萱 |
天津农业科学 |
56 |
Reliability and stability of immobilization remediation of Cd polluted soils using sepiolite under pot and field trials |
孙约兵 |
Environmental Pollution |
57 |
Uptake and translocation of Benzo[a]Pyrene (B[a]P) in two ornamental plants and its enhanced dissipation in soils |
孙约兵 |
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety |
58 |
Evaluation of the effectiveness of sepiolite, bentonite, and phosphate amendments on the stabilization remediation of cadmium-contaminated soils |
孙约兵 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
59 |
Effects of sepiolite on stabilization remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil and its ecological evaluation |
孙约兵 |
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China |
60 |
转抗旱基因棉对土壤酶活性及速效养分含量的影响 |
杨殿林 |
中国农学通报 |
61 |
不同利用方式对小针茅荒漠草原土壤活性有机碳的影响 |
杨殿林 |
草业学报 |
62 |
In situ representation of soil/sediment conductivity using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy |
李晓晶 |
Sensors |
63 |
Carbon fiber enhanced bioelectricity generation in soil microbial fuel cells |
李晓晶 |
Biosensors & Bioelectronics |
64 |
Salinity and conductivity amendment of soil enhanced the bioelectrochemical degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons |
李晓晶 |
Scientific Reports |
65 |
沼液灌溉麦地土壤CO_2和N_2O排 放通量变化特征 |
沈仕洲 |
灌溉排水学报 |
66 |
施用污泥后铅在玉米和土壤中的富集与分布规律 |
杨鹏 |
湖北农业科学 |
67 |
催熟剂乙烯利在番茄及土壤中的残留动态研究 |
秦旭 |
食品工业 |
68 |
Determination of Carbendazim and Diethofencarb in Cotton and Soil by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography |
秦旭 |
Analytical Letters |
69 |
Sequestration and bioavailability of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in soils:Implications for their underestimated risk |
赵丽霞 |
Science of the Total Environment |
70 |
Characterization of biological secretions binding to graphene oxide in water and the specific toxicological mechanisms |
穆莉 |
Environ. Sci. Technol. |
71 |
陈昢圳 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
72 |
Impacts of loach bioturbation on the selective bioaccumulation of HBCDD diastereoisomers and enantiomers by mirror carp in a microcosm |
张艳伟 |
chemosphere |
73 |
牛场肥水灌溉对冬小麦产量与氮利用效率及土壤硝态氮的影响 |
杜会英 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
74 |
规模化畜禽养殖粪便主要污染物产生量预测方法研究进展 |
张克强 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
75 |
Species-specific effects of leaf litter on seedling emergence and growth of the invasive Flaveria bidentis and its co-occurring native species: a common garden test |
皇甫超河 |
Plant Ecology |
76 |
云南几种菊科入侵物种与本地共生物种光合特性的比较 |
皇甫超河 |
环境科学研究 |
77 |
菟丝子寄生对黄顶菊光合作用和荧光特性的影响 |
皇甫超河 |
生态环境学报 |
78 |
入侵种银胶菊和三叶鬼针草与本地种气体交换特性的比较 |
皇甫超河 |
生态学报 |
79 |
两种生物炭对污染土壤铜有效性的影响 |
宋正国 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
80 |
纳米二氧化锰对水中Cu2+和Cd2+的 吸附特性 |
宋正国 |
环境工程技术学报 |
81 |
铜污染棕壤中6种钝化材料对小油菜吸收铜的影响 |
周莉,宋正国 |
安全与环境学报 |
82 |
不同外源镉对水稻生长和富集镉的影响研究 |
宋正国 |
农业环境科学学报 |
83 |
Increasing CO2 differentially affects essential and non-essential amino acid concentration of rice grains grown in cadmium-contaminated soils |
宋正国 |
Environmental Pollution |
84 |
不同类型水稻镉富集与转运能力的差异分析 |
王迪 |
农业环境科学学报 |
85 |
粮食估产的“通道- 概率模型 ”的验证 |
郑宏艳 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
86 |
Influence of temperature and pH on methanogenic digestion in two-phase anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure with maize straw |
杜连柱 |
Journal of Residuals Science &Technology |
87 |
基于配方施肥数据集的有机碳含量与温度和降水量相关性研究 |
刘书田 |
农业环境科学学报 |
88 |
Determination of 255 pesticides in edible vegetable oils using QuEChERS method and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry |
贺泽英 |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
89 |
Anaerobic Co-digestion of Pig Manure with Dried Maize Straw |
杜连柱 |
BioResources |
90 |
Wide-scope screening and quantification of 50 pesticides in wine by liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined with liquid chromatography/quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry |
贺泽英 |
Food Chemistry |
91 |
农产品中农药残留分析技术研究进展 |
贺泽英 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
92 |
Corn stalk-derived porous carbonaceous adsorbent for adsorption of ionic liquids from aqueous solution |
漆新华 |
RSC Advances |
93 |
Chitosan-derived carbonaceous material for highly efficient adsorption of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution |
申锋 |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules |
94 |
两步法高效水解水稻秸秆制取木糖和葡萄糖 |
漆新华 |
农业资源与环境学报 |
95 |
High-performance supercapacitor electrode materials from chitosan via hydrothermal carbonization and potassium hydroxide activation |
漆新华 |
Energy Technology |
96 |
Black liquor-derived carbonaceous solid acid catalyst for the hydrolysis of pretreated rice straw in ionic liquid |
漆新华 |
Bioresource Technology |
97 |
转基因作物对土壤无脊椎动物的影响 |
修伟明 |
生态学杂志 |
98 |
环介导等温扩增技术在转基因成分检测中的应用 |
修伟明 |
食品科学 |
99 |
3种转非抗虫基因棉田节肢动物群落的多样性和食物网结构 |
修伟明 |
棉花学报 |
100 |
Development of a Multiplex Event-specific PCR Assay for Detection of Genetically Modified Rice |
修伟明 |
Cereal Research Communications |
101 |
Effects of Land Use Change on Phosphorus Levels in Surface Waters—a Case Study of a Watershed Strongly Influenced by Agriculture |
徐亚平 |
Water Air Soil Pollution |
102 |
Response of an invasive plant, Flaveria bidentis, to nitrogen addition: a test of form-preference uptake |
皇甫超河 |
Biological Invasions |
103 |
贝加尔针茅草原羊草光合特征对氮沉降的响应 |
刘红梅 |
生态环境学报 |
104 |
中国农业环境监测阶段划分、评判分析与改进思路 |
张铁亮 |
中国农业资源与区划 |
收录论文清 单(2016)年(非第一完成单位)
序号 |
论文题目 |
本单位作者(仅填排名在前的) |
期刊名称 |
1 |
Chloride ions promoted the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol over clay-based catalysts |
张长波 |
Water Science & Technology |
2 |
Separation and analysis of carbon nanomaterials in complex matrix |
穆莉 |
Trends in Analytical Chemistry |
3 |
玉米追氮对玉米//大豆间作体系产量和土壤硝态氮的影响及其后茬效应 |
任天志 |
植物营养与肥料学报 |
4 |
基于大型渗漏池监测的褐潮土农田水、氮淋失特征 |
任天志 |
中国农业科学 |
5 |
氮肥农学效应与环境效应国际研究发展态势 |
任天志 |
生态学报 |
6 |
Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems |
赖欣 |
Environmental Development |
7 |
生物炭对中性水稻土养分和微生物群落结构影响的时间尺度变化规律研 究 |
任天志 |
农业环境科学学报 |
8 |
Nutrient limitation of woody debris decomposition in a tropical forest: Contrasting effects of N and P addition |
丁永祯 |
Functional Ecology |
9 |
英国农业面源污染防控对我国的启示 |
任天志 |
农业环境科学学报 |
10 |
Concentrations, sources, and export of dissolved CH4 and CO2 in rivers of the permafrost wetlands, northeast China |
王丽丽 |
Ecological Engineering |
11 |
Rapid N2O fluxes at high level of nitrate nitrogen addition during freeze-thaw events in boreal peatlands of Northeast China |
王丽丽 |
Atmospheric Environment |
12 |
Purification and characterization of biosurfactant produced by Bacillus licheniformis Y-1 and its application in remediation of petroleum contaminated soil |
李晓晶 |
Marine pollution bulletin |
13 |
皂角苷对几种生活污泥中Cu和Zn的去除 |
张克强 |
农业环境科学学报 |
14 |
Sensitive arginine sensing based on inner filter effect of Au nanoparticles on the fluorescence of CdTe quantum dots |
申锋 |
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy |
15 |
A Novel 2‑Acrylamide‑6‑Methoxybenzothiazole Fabricated Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Direct Fluorescent Sensing of Alachlor |
申锋 |
Chromatographia |
16 |
Mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture in England and China, and the scope for policy transfer |
赖欣 |
Land Use Policy |
17 |
Inoculation of Fe/Mn-oxidizing bacteria enhances Fe/Mn plaque formation and reduces Cd and As accumulation in Rice Plant tissues |
Dong M F, Feng R W, Wang R G, Sun Y, Ding Y Z, Xu Y M,Guo J K |
Plant Soil |