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《Journal of Agro- Environment Science》
Included in 2014 China Excellent International Influence Academic Journal with international influence index of 41.757 and the international citation impact factor of 0.060;
Rank 4th in the journal category of “Environmental Sciences and Technology and Resource Sciences and Technology of China” and is 3rd place of cited frequency in journal evaluation;
Core Journal Collection of the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)Chinese Core Journal;
China RCCSE Authority Academic Journal (A +);
China Exquisite Periodical;
2014 Tianjin Excellence Journal.
Included in data base as CA(U.S.A.),AJ(Russia)and CABI( U.K.), etc.
Impact factor of 1.929
The Journal of Agro-Environment Science (JAES) publishes original research pertinent to agro-ecological and environmental protection as well as agricultural product safety, with a keen focus on how agricultural production impacts the environment and vice versa. JAES is a peer-review Chinese journal co-published twelve times a year by the Institute of Agro-environmental Protection and Monitoring, the China Ministry of Agriculture, and the Chinese Association of Agro-ecology and Environmental Protection.
The goal of JAES is to serve as a scientific exchange platform for agricultural and environmental scientists. University, industry, government, and consulting professionals will find in JAES a valuable resource for both communication and information.
Under the leadership of JAES Editorial Committees, the Editorial Office has developed over 1000 peer reviewers for the journal worldwide. JAES makes high quality an imperative, and as a result it is currently ranked 4thrd in the list of most-cited journals in the category “Environmental Sciences and Technology and Resource Sciences and Technology of China”. JAES is abstracted and indexed in the Chemical Abstracts, the Core Collection of the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), the Key Magazine of China Technology, and the Key Journals of the Research Center for China Science Evaluation. Three papers published in JAES were selected as some of China’s 100 Most Influential Academic Papers. JAES has been awarded China’s Internationally Most Influential Journal two years in a row.