* 主要研究方向为农业废弃物高值资源化技术、绿色化学、环境催化
* 博士毕业于日本东北大学Tohoku University(QS79),硕士毕业于南开大学。
* 曾任职于日本东北大学Tohoku University环境研究科(Assistant Professor),
日本东北大学Tohoku University工学研究科(Assistant Professor)
日本东北大学Tohoku University超临界流体工学研究中心
* 农业农村部保护科研监测所,中国农业科学院海外“青年英才计划”引进工程所级人才
* 主持中国国家级、日本国家级和农业科学院研究项目8项,作为骨干参与日本国家重点研发计划项目及国家级项目3项。
*发表论文40余篇,包括Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Nature Communications, Chemical Engineering Journal, Green Chemistry 等国际知名学术期刊,参编英文专著1部(“Biofuels and Biorefineries”, Springer出版)。
*获日本トーキン財団奨励賞(国家级)和天津市科学技术奖自然科学二等奖各1次。指导学生获得日本化工学会优秀发表奖和日本Tohoku University优秀毕业生各1次。
*担任Biochar和Carbon Research杂志的青年编委,Journal of Chemistry, Current Organic Chemistry, Processes等杂志的编委,Current Catalysis杂志的Section Editor(Section: Green catalysis)。
(1) 主持:农业农村部环境保护科研监测所基础前沿项目(2022-jcqyrw-ghx),秸秆化学催化制备2,5-呋喃二甲酸机理的研究 (20万人民币,2022.04-2023.03)
(2) 主持:科技部项目,秸秆超临界流体处理技术引进与示范(24万人民币,2022.01-2023.12)
(3) 主持:中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”引进工程 (160万人民币,2022.01-2026.12)
(4) 主持:日本学术振兴会 若手研究,“バイオマス酸化反応に向けた新規非貴金属触媒及び超臨界CO2-水二相系の開発”(455万日元,2022.04-2024.03)
(5) 主持:日本学术振兴会 若手研究,“二機能性触媒を超臨界CO2-イオン液体二相系で活用するバイオマスの選択的水素化”(429万日元,2019.04-2021.03)
(6) 主持:日本岩谷科学技術研究助成金,塩添加系イオン液体-超臨界CO2による機能性触媒を利用したバイオ化成品の開発(200万日元,2021.04-2022.03)
(7) 主持:日本Tohoku University基金项目,バイオマス由来の炭素材料による重金属除去・回収の開発 (2019.04-2020.03)
(8) 主持:日本Tohoku University基金项目,再活性化とリサイクルを考慮した機能性イオン液体添加剤によるバイオマスの加水分解 (2018.04-2020.03)
(9) 参与: 国家自然科学基金面上项目,腐植酸-金属配位自组装合成有序介孔碳及其催化纤维素直接水解氢化为山梨醇研究(60万人民币,2022.01-2025.12)(漆新华教授主持)
(10) 参与:日本文部科学省(项目号:JPMXP0219192801),ナノ材料の界面・構造制御プロセスサイエンス (1400000万日元,2019.04-2025.03) (阿屁雅文教授主持)
(11) 参与: 日本学术振兴会基盘B(项目号:16H04549),高効率バイオマス利用に向けた多機能性混合イオン液体-超臨界CO2システムの適用(1794万日元, 2016. 04-2019.03) (Richard Lee Smith, Jr教授主持)
[1] Haixin Guo*, Taishi Dowaki, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Critical assessment of reaction pathways for next-generation biofuels from renewable resources: 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10 (2022) 9002-9021. (IF=9.2, JCR分区一区)
[2] Haixin Guo*, Sohei Ogawa, Yukiya Isoda, Feng Shen, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Weak-acid biochar catalyst prepared from mechanochemically-activated biomass and humic acid for production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, Biochar, 4 (2022) 42. (IF=11.4, JCR分区一区)
[3] Taishi Dowaki, Haixin Guo*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Lignin-derived biochar solid acid catalyst for fructose conversion into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, Renewable Energy, 199 (2022) 1534-1542. (IF=8.6, JCR分区一区)
[4] Kotara Oshima, Kentaro Nakamura, Haixin Guo*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Simulation and visualization of nano SiO2-water and decanoic acid-modified nano CeO2 -cyclohexane dispersions under a centrifugal field, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Accepted (IF=5.5, JCR分区二区)
[5] Kotara Oshima, Kentaro Nakamura, Haixin Guo*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Mini-review on application of analytical centrifugation, ultracentrifugation and centrifugal devices to phase equilibria and separation processes, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 558 (2022) 113457. (IF=2.7, JCR分区二区)
[6] Haixin Guo*, Yukiya Isoda, Tetsuo Honma, Feng Shen, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Design of functional biocarbons for selective adsorption of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from aqueous solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 637 (2022) 128187. (IF=5.5, JCR分区二区)
[7] Feng Shen, Ye Li, Xiaoye Qin, Haixin Guo*, Jialu Li, Jirui Yang, Yongzhen Ding*, Selective oxidation of cellulose into formic acid over heteropolyacid-based temperature responsive catalysts, Renewable Energy, 185 (2022) 139-146. (IF=8.6, JCR分区一区)
[8] Haixin Guo*, Ryota Higashiguchi, Yuya Abe, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Effective conversion of fructose to 5-ethoxymethylfurfural with brønsted acid site (S/Cl)-functional carbon catalysts, Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 7 (2022) 33-42.
[9] Yinjian Chen, Kenjing Yao, Xiao Zhang*, Boxiong Shen*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Haixin Guo, Siloxane-modified MnOx catalyst for oxidation of coal-related o-xylene in presence of water vapor, Journal of Hazardous Materials,436 (2022) 129109. (IF=14.2, JCR分区一区)
[10] Siyu Xu, De Li, Haixin Guo, Haodong Lu, Mo Qiu, Jirui Yang*, Feng Shen*, Solvent-free synthesis of MgO-modified biochars for phosphorus removal from wastewater, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19 (2022) 7770. (杨吉睿通讯作者)(IF=4.6, JCR分区一区)
[11] Jirui Yang, Haixin Guo, Feng Shen*, Highly efficient transfer hydrogenation of biomass-derived furfural to furfuryl alcohol over Mesoporous Zr-containing hybrids with 5-sulfosalicylic acid as a ligand, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19 (2022) 9221. (IF=4.6, JCR分区一区)
[12] Yuto Inoue, Haixin Guo*, Tetsuo Honma, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Amino-functional biocarbon with CO2-responsive property for removing copper (II) ions from aqueous solutions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 616 (2021) 126304. (IF=5.5, JCR分区二区)
[13] Takumo Kato, Mika Nagaoka*, Haixin Guo, Hiroki Fujita, Taku Michael Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Additive-free hydrothermal leaching method with low environmental burden for screening of strontium in soil, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (2021) 55725-55735. (IF=5.2, JCR分区二区)
[14] Yuting Wang, Xiao Zhang*, Boxiong Shen*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Haixin Guo, Role of impurity components and pollutant removal processes in catalytic oxidation of o-xylene from simulated coal-fired flue gas, Science of The Total Environment,764 (2021) 142805. (IF=10.8, JCR分区一区)
[15] Feng Shen, Richard Lee Smith, Jr*, Haixin Guo, Xiao Zhang, Xinhua Qi*, Critical assessment of reaction pathways for conversion of agricultural waste biomass into formic acid, Green Chemistry, 23 (2021) 1536-1561. (IF=11, JCR分区一区)
[16] Ruoqing Wang, Feng Shen, Yiwei Tang, Haixin Guo, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi*, Selective conversion of furfuryl alcohol to levulinic acid by SO3H-containing silica nanoflower in GVL/H2O system, Renewable Energy, 171 (2021) 124-132. (IF=8.6, JCR分区一区)
[17] Haixin Guo, Alif Duereh, Yaqiong Su, Emiel. J. M. Hensen, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Mechanistic role of protonated polar additives in ethanol for selective transformation of biomass-related compounds, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 264 (2020) 118509. (IF=24.3, JCR分区一区)
[18] Haixin Guo*, Yuta Hirosaki, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr. *, Synthesis of ethyl levulinate over amino-sulfonated functional carbon materials, Renewable Energy,157 (2020) 951-958. (IF=8.6, JCR分区一区)
[19] Haixn Guo*, Tomoka Shida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Catalytic hydrogenation of levulinic acid in ionic liquid mixtures using hydrogen gas in high-pressure CO2, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 164 (2020) 104891. (IF=4.5, JCR分区二区)
[20] Haixin Guo*, Yuya Abe, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Bifunctional carbon Ni/NiO nanofiber catalyst based on 5-sulfosalicylic acid for conversion of C5/C6 carbohydrates into ethyl levulinate, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 5 (2020) 1759-1767. (IF=5.2, JCR分区二区)
[21] Hu Li*, Haixin Guo, Zhen Fang*, Taku Michael Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr. *, Cycloamination strategies for renewable N-heterocycles, Green Chemistry, 22 (2020) 582-611. (IF=11, JCR分区一区)
[22] Alif Duereh*, Haixin Guo, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hiroshi Inomata*, Local composition models for predicting Kamlet-Taft dipolarity/polarizability of nonaqueous binary and ternary mixtures, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 304 (2020) 112691. (IF=6.6, JCR分区一区)
[23] Mika Nagaoka, Hiroki Fujita, Taku Michael Aida*, Haixin Guo, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Supercritical Water Pretreatment Method for Analysis of Strontium and Uranium in Soil (Andosols), Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 168 (2020) 109465. (IF=1.8, JCR分区二区)
[24] Hu Li, Haixin Guo, Yaqiong Su, Yuya. Hiraga, Zhen Fang*, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Masaru Watanabe*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr*, N-formyl-stabilizing quasi-catalytic species afford rapid and selective solvent-free amination of biomass-derived feedstocks, Nature Communications, 10 (2019). (IF=17.7, JCR分区一区)
[25] Haixin Guo*, Yuya Hiraga, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Hydrogen gas-free processes for single-step preparation of transition-metal bifunctional catalysts and one-pot gamma-valerolactone synthesis in supercritical CO2-ionic liquid systems, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 147 (2019) 263-270. (IF=4.5, JCR分区二区)
[26] Alif Duereh*, Haixin Guo, Yoshiyuki Sato, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Hiroshi Inomata, Predictive Framework for Estimating Dipolarity/Polarizability of Binary Nonpolar–Polar Mixtures with Relative Normalized Absorption Wavelength and Gas-Phase Dipole Moment, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58 (2019) 18986-18996. (IF=4.3, JCR分区二区)
[27] Haixin Guo*, Alif Duereh, Yuya Hiraga, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr. *, Mechanism of Glucose Conversion into 5-Ethoxymethylfurfural in Ethanol with Hydrogen Sulfate Ionic Liquid Additives and a Lewis Acid Catalyst, Energy and Fuels, 32 (2018) 8411-8419. (IF=4.6, JCR分区二区)
[28] Alif Duereh, Haixin Guo, Tetsuo Honma, Yoshiyuki Sato, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Hiroshi Inomata, Solvent Polarity of Cyclic Ketone (Cyclopentanone, Cyclohexanone): Alcohol (Methanol, Ethanol) Renewable Mixed-Solvent Systems for Applications in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Processing, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 7331-7344. (IF=4.3, JCR分区二区)
[29] Haixin Guo, Xinhua Qi*, Yuya Hiraga, Taku M Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Efficient conversion of fructose into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural with hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids as co-solvent and catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 314 (2017) 508-514. (IF=16.7, JCR分区一区)
[30] Haixin Guo, Alif Duereh, Yuya Hiraga, Taku. M. Aida, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Perfect recycle and mechanistic role of hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids as additive in ethanol for efficient conversion of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, Chemical Engineering Journal, 323 (2017) 287-294. (IF=16.7, JCR分区一区)
[31] Haixin Guo, Youfen Lian, Lulu Yan, Xinhua Qi*, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Cellulose-derived superparamagnetic carbonaceous solid acid catalyst for cellulose hydrolysis in an ionic liquid or aqueous reaction system, Green Chemistry, 15 (2013) 2167-2174. (IF=11, JCR分区一区)
[32] Haixin Guo, Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Hydrolysis of cellulose over functionalized glucose-derived carbon catalyst in ionic liquid, Bioresource Technology, 116 (2012) 355-359. (IF=11.9, JCR分区一区)
[33] Xinhua Qi*, Haixin Guo, Luyang Li, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Acid-catalyzed dehydration of fructose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by cellulose-derived amorphous carbon, ChemSusChem 5 (2012) 2215-2220. (IF=9.1, JCR分区一区)
[34] Xinhua Qi*, Haixin Guo, Luyang Li, Efficient conversion of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural catalyzed by sulfated zirconia in ionic liquids, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (2011) 7985-7989. (IF=4.3, JCR分区二区)
[35] Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Haixin Guo, Preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from fructose in acidic ionic liquids, Journal of Rare earths, 29 (2011) 173-176. (IF=4.6, JCR分区一区)
[36] 徐英钊,漆新华*,郭海心,李陆杨,离子液体中葡萄糖催化转化为5-羟甲基糠醛,化工进展,30 (2011) 552-556. (北大核心, EI)
[1] Haixin Guo, Xiao. Zhang, Feng Shen, Producing value-added products from organic solid wastes with mechanochemical processes, Biofuels and Biorefineries-11, Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Sustainable Recycling of Organic Solid Waste. Publisher: Springer, (book chapter)